Thursday, October 9

The Sad Truth

Let me be the first to admit, I feel bad for Sarah Palin. On Monday I got my eyebrows done, and it had been so long, I thought they were going to charge me double to clean up that mess. I am also obsessed with skincare. I wish I had realized this sooner and paid attention in science classes, become a dermatologist, and made mad money, but alas, I did not. Now my dermatological thoughts remain, essentially, hoping people don't look to closely when my skin is in a busted condition.

Hence my Palin pity. But therein lies the ultimate truth. Palin's skin is not in a horrible condition, her eyebrows don't have too many strays . . .in short, she looks normal.

Sarah Palin is 44 years old. She is (supposedly) a politician, not a country singer or Oscar-winning actress. She posed for Newsweek, not Glamour. There is no reason for her to look like a 22-year-old rising ingenue. Ingenues don't fatally wound animals for fun.

Yes, the photo is unflattering. But Palin and her supporters (watch this fight here) need to accept that that is what she actually looks like. And if Carrie Bradshaw could survive it, I think Sarah Six-Pack can too.

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